Thursday, June 20, 2013

The movies...

We went to the movies tonight.  It has been a long time.  I love going to the movie theater.  Sitting in a dark, cool space watching the big screen.  It makes me happy and has ever since I was a kid.  I love nothing more than a good story.  It doesn't really matter what we saw tonight, though I did enjoy it.  What matters was the experience.  Oh, and I love popcorn.  You can't forget the popcorn.

Monday, June 17, 2013

The beach...

My kids call this spot "the beach."  Really its just a small, somewhat sad, but wonderful swimming hole on the Platte River.  There were too many people there for my taste, but we had a great time.  I love the feeling of really warm skin, soaking up the light.  I also love hearing my children laugh and be happy.  It was a good way to end a tired and blah Monday.  I can still feel the warmth on my skin.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The off hours....

Here it goes.  My first blog post.

The title of this blog refers to my off hours.  Off hours from work (as a Director/curator of a small local history museum), my off hours from being a Mom and wife (if there is such a thing as "off hours" in this area) and those times when I'm just feeling "off." Many of these posts will probably be written late at night, the off hours for most people, but the hours when I do most of my thinking, reading, writing and creating. I write this blog mostly for myself, to make your thoughts public is a little scary.  But what do I have to lose?